
The most popular language used in web

Created by NTUgEEk


  • server side: install node + npm
  • client side: open your browser :)

What is Javascript?

JavaScript history

  • Initially developed at Netscape in 10 days under the name LiveScript.
  • In 1995 renamed to JavaScript, for marketing reasons.
  • In 1997 ECMAScript became the name of the standardized version.
  • Now we have ECMAScript 6(or ES2015)

...but what is JavaScript?

Inspired by many languages and has some familiar features:
  • curly-bracket language (like C++ & Java)
  • interpreted, not compiled (like Perl & Lua)
  • dynamic typed (like PHP & Python)
  • prototype-based inheritance (like Self & MOO)

A general-purpose language

  • Most commonly used in web browsers: client-side JavaScript
  • Also server-side JavaScript, e.g. In web servers: Node.js



var (Globally scoped, unintuitive) is almost deprecated
use let + const (ES2015, block-scoped)

// modifiable variable
let a = 100;

// const variable, use CONST_CASE
const FULL_SCORE = 100;

Identifier: alphanumeric strings with "$" and "_".
(Cannot start with number.)


  • Number, NaN, Infinity
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Array
  • Object
  • Function
  • null
  • undefined


Single type (64-bit floating-point, IEEE 754)

let temperature = -10;
let maxImageWidth = 500;
const PI = 3.14159;
let x = 7.13e19;  // 7.13 x 10^19
let thisIsAHexNumber = 0x7c;    // 7 * 16 + 12 * 1 = 124

Infinity: larger than what it can store

NaN: Not a Number (0/0)



true or false

Every expression can be truthy or falsy,
But a is truthy does not mean a == true



Single-quoted or Double-quoted

let string1 = "Double-quoted";
let string2 = 'Single-quoted';
let string3 = '"double-quotes" inside single-quotes is fine';
let string3 = 'escape \'single-quotes\' inside single-quotes';

Use single-quoted 'strings' when possible.



Ordered collection, can be heterogeneous

let array = [1, '2', [3]];
console.log(array[1]); // '2'
console.log(array.length); // 3
array.length = 1;
console.log(array); // [1]

A lot more useful methods:
forEach , filter , push , pop , join , sort ...



Unordered collection (property, value pair)

let object = {
  name: 'ntuee',
  students: 800,
// two ways to access properties
// one is simple
console.log(; // 'ntuee'
// the other is more dynamic
console.log(object['n' + 'am' + 'e']); // 'ntuee'

Javascript Functions, Arrays... are actually all objects!!



Used to explicitly indicate a variable or object has no value.

let object = {
  name: null,
  students: null,
console.log(; // null


Returned when:

  • a variable was declared but never assigned a value
  • when accessing an object property that does not exist

let object = {
  name: null,
  students: null,
let whatIsThis;
console.log(; // undefined
console.log(whatIsThis); // undefined


+ - * / % == != <= >= ++ -- && ||

Read MDN.

Equal vs Strict Equal

  • == casts both values to the same type and then compare
  • === must be same type

Read Equality table.

Truthy vs Falsey

How conditions are evaluated.

  • Falsey: undefined , null , NaN , 0 , '' , false
  • Truthy: The rest are truthy

Read Equality table.

Primitive vs Reference Types

Primitive Types

  • Number, Boolean
  • Fixed size in memory.
  • Variable stores value.

Primitive Types

let a = 1;
let b = a; // copies value
console.log(a); // 1
b = 2;
console.log(a); // 1, remains the same

Reference Types

  • Array, Object
  • Dynamic size in memory.
  • Variable stores reference.

Reference Types

let a = [1];
let b = a; // copies reference
console.log(a); // [1]
b[0] = 2;
console.log(a); // [2], changed by accessing b

Fun Stuff

Javascript is weird


Control Statements

Mostly what you know

  • if {...} else if {...} else {...}
  • switch (...) { case ... default ... }
  • () ? ... : ...
  • while (...)
  • do {...} while (...)
  • for (let x ; ... ; ...) {}

What you may not know

  • for (let x in y) {} MDN
  • for (let x of y) {} (ES2015) MDN



function f(x, y, z) {
  return x + y + z;
// function is actually an object
let f = function(x, y, z) {
  return x + y + z;
// ES6 arrow functions
let f = (x, y, z) => {
  return x + y + z;

Function as argument

function g(f, x, y) {
  return f(x, y);

g((x,y) => {
  return x + y;
}, 1, 3); // 4

Callback Function

Returns value via calling callback

function getSomeValue(cb) {
  let value;
  // get value...

Why Callback Function?

  • Things can be asynchronos
  • Javascript never blocks


Event Loop


Web Events

Common: HTML DOM Events, Pointer Events

Reference: MDN

Register Event Listener

// with pure javascript
target.addEventListener('click', listener[, options]);

// javascript in HTML
<div onclick="myfunction()">

Event Propagation

Reference: MDN


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

You Don't need Jquery